Judging Process and Criteria


The jury process is designed to maintain the rigour in judging standards that P*DA has become known for in the past 11 years, as well as to continue to peg P*DA to best practices of international key awards whilst keeping in mind local contexts.

There are two jury panels: The “Architecture Panel” evaluates all architecture submissions and is administered by URA; while the “Design Panel” evaluates all non-architecture submissions and is administered by Dsg.



The judging process consists of 3 stages:

1) Selection of Jury Panel

The panels consist of:
– “Architecture Panel”: Five jurors who are veteran architecture practitioners and/or academics.

– “Design Panel”: Nine to 12 jurors who are “Design Experts” (multi-disciplinary design veterans) and “Impact Experts” (researchers, academics, consultants etc).

2) Online shortlisting of nominations

Both the Design and Architecture Panels will engage in an online shortlisting process to select the most promising submissions for face-to-face interviews and/or site visits in the Jury Session.

Shortlisted non-architectural Designs of the Year will be reviewed by an independent Knowledge Partner, in order to validate the impact claims made in their submissions. The Knowledge Partner for P*DA 2018 is the Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD), SUTD-MIT International Design Centre (IDC).

3) Jury Session

– Both Design and Architecture Panels will separately select the recipients according to the P*DA judging criteria and objectives of the Award.

– Each Panel will be presided over by a Jury Chair and, if necessary, assisted by a Vice-Chair. Both will be appointed by Dsg and URA, respectively.

– Each Panel will collectively select the award recipients of their respective panel.


Award Categories and Eligibility

CATEGORIES. There are two categories for the President*s Design Award:. 1. DESIGNER OF THE YEAR. The Designer of the Year Award…


About the Award

The President*s Design Award (P*DA) is Singapore’s highest honour for designers and designs across all disciplines. It recognises…