P*DA x SMU: Human Design Processes & Frameworks

The President’s Design Award 2016 made a stopover at Singapore Management University bustling concourse (T Junction) from 6th May to 30th May 2017.
Students from all programmes had fun viewing the exhibits which conveyed human design processes and innovative frameworks of Singapore. The winning exhibits were based on creativity, confidence and excellence. The exhibits revealed that design is crucial to the quality of our lives and how it can transform our well-being and perspectives.
Our friendly exhibition docents were on hand to chat with the curious students. Lucky students had the chance to walk away with our hard-cover President’s Design Award publications! In the evenings, students conducted their dance practices around the concourse. This added on an entertaining touch to the exhibition. Sorry if we got in your way!
The President’s Design Awards team would like to thank our venue sponsors, Singapore Management University for hosting us.
PDA 2016 x Singapore Management University